

This was the first week in which I was really focussing on my FMP (the first week I spent writing and correcting my proposal) and truthfully, I don't think this week has been my most productive. I slipped into what we were warned about (knowing when to stop research and losing days on unnecessary research in the internet/library). I think whilst I have done a lot of useful secondary and contextual, I haven't yet touched on primary research or been at all active/practical in my approach to this project - which in hindsight is the approach I should have taken from the start with the 'creation of a personal palette of equivalences' being in my proposal. It seems as though all the research has been interesting and useful but hasn't actually developed my ideas substantially. I initially thought i would have loads to research around this topic but a lot of what I've read/watched/listened to has in a sense just confirmed what i already knew/put it into words. I think that perhaps this past week I've realised that I have set myself quite a challenging proposal and i've almost been avoiding getting on with it by doing excessive internet research and reading. 

Another thing that seems to have held me up this week is choosing which typefaces to explore. I hadn't really thought into this when writing the brief and I think I had in the back of my mind that I would just choose some typefaces from an encyclopaedia. But this is such a boring approach to take and i've realised that my choice of typefaces should have more meaning behind it. 

Next week I aim to be more active in primary research/development of ideas. I plan to begin the week by taking primary research photographs of typefaces. In regards to which typefaces, I've been thinking about using the the type from restaurants I've been to or from albums/songs I've listened to to immerse the notion of either taste or sound. I think that using album covers might be an issue, as these typefaces already have sounds linked to them, therefore it would not be a personal palette so much - it is arguable that this would be a similar issue with restaurants in regards to taste. I have also thought about exploring graffiti as its less likely to have any universal associations with it and the type used is often very expressive and unusual. I was inspired by the mark-making i did previously to look into graffiti as a potential starting point in terms of type.

Once I have the primary photographs, I can begin exploring equivalences and associations. I can also finally begin experimenting with materials - I'd really like to have attempted the risograph by the end of the week. I should also begin thinking about the the format of the final outcome, although I do think at this point I have a fair amount to do before this stage.