Brief: communicate a person's personality or characteristics through photography.


I had quite high expectations for this project as I felt very inspired from the beginning by a number of photographers shown to us in the initial briefing. I was also excited to be focussing on photography as a final outcome, as in the past it was a medium I would use mostly for research. However, I struggled at the beginning of this project as although I was enjoying being experimental and I was producing some interesting images, I was finding it difficult to get to know my partner and to find something interesting to communicate so my initial photos, I think, are emptier and almost meaningless. I do also think, however, that these first images are still important as you can tell by my final images that they were perhaps key experimental development in terms of the use of colour and light. It was quite uncomfortable at first having to talk to someone you had never met before and ask some quite personal questions. I was also unsure of the boundary of what was too personal to ask or to follow up on so I think I held back a bit with the things I asked her. I was very interested in my partner and her life. She is from a city north west of Shanghai called Suzhou. Initially I was very interested in this and somehow portraying her home place in the imagery. I first began looking into the city and found that the city actually has its own perfect replica of London Bridge. Although I found this very interesting I didn’t want to create images that were too literal. I also wanted to dig deeper and find something that wasn't so obvious. So I met with my partner again and began asking her what it is like living by yourself so far away from your home, as I my life is still very much sheltered by the fact that I still live in the same house I was brought up in. Trying to communicate feelings or an atmosphere I think was quite a challenge but i'm pleased I took it on. Whilst doing some test shoots and experimenting with light and colored acetate in a kids playground near the college, my partner said it reminded her a lot of a playground near her house in Suzhou where she grew up in.

Final image

In these photos I wanted to communicate the unfamiliarity of her being in a new city, the distance she feels between her and her family through the reminiscence of her childhood in Suzhou. The way she spoke about her childhood and old memories gave me the impression that she was someone who spent a lot of time thinking about her life and memories from her hometown.

I think I was successful in creating the eerie atmosphere that I was hoping for. However, I think the meaning behind the photographs can often be misunderstood for something much more cynical and dark due to the light contrast and facial expressions. This was picked up by some people during the crit feedback. The facial expression was quite a hard element to crack and is an aspect I think I should have spent more time thinking about and experimenting to avoid miscommunication. I wanted her to look at ease but also deep in thought about her past memories in Suzhou. I didn’t want her to be smiling as I was concerned that she might be misunderstood as being playful. I do think, however, that the use of light and shadow are so emotive that in some ways these two elements do some lifting for the misconceptions of the facial expressions.

I realised with this project that what I really needed was more time to get to know my partner and that this was not something that could be rushed. I found that I learnt more about her by spending time with her rather than when i was asking her the more generic questions we were initially given at the briefing. 

I think I was also quite successful in making my research visible in my work. Philip-Lorca diCorcia and Gregory Crewdson were the main influences for this project. These two photographers fascinate me in the way that they create atmosphere and mood through their use of lighting and character pose. 
Gregory Crewdson

Philip Lorca diCorcia
Critical feedback: 'The distinctive use of green and reds along with the faded purple background adds an eerie feel to the composition. Her hands clenching the bars makes her look like she might be holding/protecting something'

'The darkness goes a good job at bringing out the characteristics of a closed and mysterious person. The subtle highlights seem to create a sense of curiosity'.

'I love the creepy colours - creepy yet playful'

'The person looks mysterious because of the use of dark lighting and facial expressions - scared/quizzical'

'The contrast of bright light and dark creates the eerie atmosphere as well as the location of the playground. The images look suspenseful. Could be a symbolism for lost/past memories/childhood memories fading.'

'Good use of lighting and shadow - very emotive and engaging.'