Brief: take a complex scientific theory create a simple visual explanation  of it through moving image.

Final image used in gif

I chose to research radiation for this project as I thought it would be the least obvious one to choose (others included were: evolution, virus, bacteria, etc). It was also the one which I immediately could visualise in my head (osmosis was the other). I found there are many types of radiation such as nuclear or acoustic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation or more specifically visible light was what interested me the most. I really enjoyed enjoyed the research stage of this project. I think that my research was very thorough and I explored my subject fully. However, this project did make me realise that the majority of my research is often word led. I think more physical engagement would help me develop my work further and take me out of my comfort zone. 

If I had another week on this project to develop my final outcome, I think I would have explored placing it into context by introducing a simple narrative to make the gif more informative. For example, what gives off radiation?I think overall my exploration and experimentation of materials was good, however, there is more I could have experiemented with, such as using flurescent paper as a backlight to create a glow round an object or I would have loved to experiement with phosphorescent powder or paint. The overall income was not as fluid as I would have liked it to have been, I think more time was needed on creating it. I also think I could have thought about using something other than a white line for the light to go through. Also looking back at the gif, I was worried that the image I chose looked quite similar to a bird or a plane with its wings. – was worried that the meaning would be misunderstood due to this but actually during the crit this seemed to be okay. I wanted to focus on creating something more abstract and beautiful rather than something very literal and sort of childish I guess. I think I succeeded in this, as if you think about what I am communicating, the gif is actually very literal but if you are trying to work it out, it does take a bit of thinking. Something else which also could have been quite interesting is edited some of the images together or making video of light painting like Kim Pimmel or Immaterials.

Critical feedback: 'Sense of exploration - looks at a range of artists - and good experimentation of materials'

'Accurate technical communication and effective image making but could have been more experimental'

'Research is visible in final outcome'