
After agreeing that the previous typefaces i was looking at were too cliche, I've now chosen as set of different typefaces - ones which I have come across often and have many uses but are also, in my opinion, not the completely cliches ones such as Helvetica or Comic Sans. I've begun by looking at where these typefaces are used. This is made it much easier to think about what they would taste, smell and sound like.

It's really interesting how Clarendon is used for a vanilla yoghurt I had whilst in Iceland but is also used on the turf of the NFL football games. Although it probably smells quite classic and vanilla, tastes quite smooth and milky it could also sound like the rowdy cheers at a football game. I think this will make the final outcome much more interesting to interactive in comparison to the direction i seemed to be heading with associating typefaces to scenarios. This was more like 'setting a scene' whereas I now seem to be treating each sense differently. I'm happy i've taken this turn as i think with the senses not being related (e.g. what you will smell is not the same as you will taste - which is usually the case in situations) the participator can focus on each indivual sense more, and be able to focus on whether or not they agree that Clarendon smells of vanilla.