
Today I spoke to my personal tutor and proposed the plans for my final outcome. Although she was pleased that I had adopted a more ambitious approach and that i've moved away from print, she felt that I was being too cliche with my choice of typeface and the associations that came with them - which i completely agree with. I usually have quite a conceptual approach to project but i do worry sometimes that I can make something too complicated. I think I was also worried that my project would not make sense to someone who had never studied/doesn't know anything about graphic design/typography. However, my tutor has encouraged me to move away completely from the cliches and become more abstract (not sure if this is the right word) with my approach - which looking back at my proposal, I did actually specify that I wanted to avoid cliches completely. She suggested that it would be more interesting and more of a challenge for me to look at typefaces which have a lot of associations to them e.g. instead of looking at Blackoak Std which will only ever be associated to wild west posters. Due to this meeting, I'm leaving the typefaces that I was looking at before and am now going to look into some which are used more often/have more associations and think about what my associations are to them - where have i seen them?

I was also unaware prior to this meeting at potentially how much space we would be allowed - apparently its very negotiable if you do request a large space in the exhibition for your final outcome. Due to this I am going to be more ambitious when planning my exhibition piece and i want to really focus on how the installation will look in the exhibition.